Integrated Adult ND Division - EPR project

Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust are working in partnership through an Integrated Adult Neurodevelopmental Division, to align services for people in Derbyshire with a learning disability and autistic adults.
In April 2024, it was recognised that there should be a single Electronic Patient Record (EPR) function to serve the Integrated Adult Neurodevelopmental Division, to enable safe and effective delivery of services.
Subsequently, significant scoping and workforce engagement was undertaken to enable an evidence based recommendation. On account of workforce feedback, greater proportion of units, most up to date position of the system configuration to meet service requirements and service user flow, it was agreed that Derbyshire Healthcare would be the host organisation for the Integrated Adult Neurodevelopmental Division EPR on SystmOne.
The Integrated Adult ND Division EPR project team are now working towards a 'go-live' date of 1 April 2025.