Data consent and sharing

Letter and leaflet sent to all service users

In April 2022, the attached letter was sent, along with the data consent and sharing leaflet, to all DHCFT service users who have been moved onto SystmOne. This letter may prompt conversations about how we share patient data. The information and resources below will assist with these conversations.

One of the key benefits of using SystmOne as our Electronic Patient Record (EPR) is that we have the ability to share our patients' data with our health partners who also use SystmOne.  These are colleagues in primary care and at UHDB and DCHS.  We can also enable the share for colleagues in other services who use SystmOne and this can be on a client by client basis, rather than enabling a whole system share.

It is important that colleagues are comfortable with how to record patient data, what the impact of sharing may have on your relationships with patients/ services users and how you can empower people to consider the impact of sharing and not sharing. 

These pages aim to provide colleagues with the information and tools they need to feel confident with data consent and sharing on SystmOne, and provide guidance and support to enable colleagues to have the necessary conversations with our service users

What to do if you are unsure

Your first line of support should be your line manager and other colleagues. You can talk through your concerns to agree the best solution.  You can also check the polices and procedures listed under Useful documents above.

The next level of support would be to contact Alex Rose (Records manager and Trust Data Protection officer) or Nicola Laban (Nic) (Data Security & Protection Lead).

For complex issues our Caldicott guardian is Dr Arun Chidambaram, Medical director.